The following is an example of how to construct a table using the following tags
- <table>
- <tr>
- <td>
- <th>
- <theader>
- <tbody>
- <tfooter>
Tags have been explained in the comments contained in the code below:
<!-- <table> used to create a table
<thead> table headers sit inside this element
<tr> starts a table row
<td> contains the cell data
<th> like td but contains the header
<tbody> groups the body of the table content
<tfooter> contains the table footer -->
<th>1st January</th>
<th>2nd January</th>
<th>3rd January</th>
<th>4th January</th>
<th>5th January</th>
<th>6th January</th>
<th>7th January</th>
<th>31st January</th>