Hey all,
If you’ve navigated the website and been following the posts, you may have noticed that for the end of last year the topics where being written up in a organised manner, following the flow of the Cisco ICND2 objectives.
It has been some time since i have been able to get into the studying, unfortunately it has been since Christmas but i am, no doubt on track again.
Just want to let you know that in keeping with one of my original goals to use this as a general note taking resource, i will be trying to reflect that method in my future posts. The reason i say that is it may start to look like i’m jumping from topic to topic.
To keep those who are using this to study i have used the appropriate tags to categorise the posts, so by using them you should be able to find related material more easily, or just search using the search over on the right.
One day i do plan to clean it all up but for now it’s a good access anywhere tool for work.
Thanks all i hope to expand my knowledge in this field for a very long time to come. Meaning i’m not going anywhere. 😀